Seattle has some beautiful houses, and this Spanish Colonial Revival-looking house is no exception. At first glance, it looks like a completely normal house.
But turn the corner, and you’ll see just how unique this house is.

Real estate agent Kathy Rathvon says Seattle houses are quite popular and this one is no exception.
What makes it unique is the size and its history. By size, she means the dimensions of the place. Walk around to the side and you’ll realize why.
The house has been there since the mid-1920s and is a bit of a landmark.

It’s got all the things a normal house has.
Normal-sized bedrooms, living rooms, bathrooms, a kitchen, and a small eating area. Hardwood floors finish off the Spanish Colonial feel, matching the white walls and light yellow paint.

The kitchen has lots of space, way more than those silly condominiums people invest in.
Plus, this house boasts character. None of that same old look most condominiums share. This one has an identity all its own.

It’s about 840-850 square feet for each level, so that’s about 420 for the upstairs and downstairs.
It measures 16 feet on the north end, with the sides at 56 feet. Here’s the best part. It’s 4 1/2 feet across the backdoor. That’s not a typo. It is four and a half feet across the backdoor.
Kathy describes it best,
“It’s like a little wedge of cheese.”

Why the weird dimensions? There are two stories.
It’s been called the spite house. There was a married couple who once lived in a large house on the property. They divorced for some reason, and the husband got to keep the house.
The wife got a piece of the property, which she was unhappy about of course. So she had this house built just to spite her ex.
Sounds like a good script for a movie.

The other story is that someone who lived in a bigger house next to the property wanted to buy the land and just expand his yard. He made a really low offer to the original owner.
The man wasn’t happy so he had this house built. All that just to spite the man next door.

The wedge of cheese has two levels.
The lower part has its own entrance which could work for an owner who just wants to live upstairs and have the lower portion rented out. Basically a duplex.
The former owner is Clay Wallace. He is an architect, which means he’s got taste and knows his stuff.
He loves the house’s character and history, and that it maintained its style considering the many renovations done to it. Clay found it comfortable too.

It’s situated near most shops, a major highway, and many other places a homeowner needs.
Don’t be fooled by that “four and a half feet” part. It’s not small by any means.
Just a really cool design that stands out among the many homes in the area. Have you seen flats in London? There you go.
The house is perfect for a couple who wants a bit of uniqueness while entertaining curious guests. It’s got a decent-sized yard perfect for grilling and drinking, not to mention pets.

This house is beautiful and unique, and it’s so wonderful to see the full tour.
Check it out for yourself below!
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