The holidays are here, which means one thing for many of us: it’s turkey time!
And with that, comes the infamous struggle of getting the bird ready for the oven.
A hilarious Jennie-O commercial captures just how chaotic things can get when you’re trying to handle a big, slippery turkey.

Preparing the perfect Thanksgiving meal takes plenty of preparation, but let’s be real—it doesn’t always look glamorous.
For many, it’s not a serene Martha Stewart moment, but more like a wrestling match with a 20-pound, wobbly bird.
This commercial, which has people laughing across the internet, showcases a woman’s very relatable battle with her Thanksgiving turkey.

In the clip, this brave woman is faced with the challenge of lifting a massive turkey out of her sink.
With the water still running over it, she goes in confidently for the lift.
But just as she’s about to succeed, her hands slide right off its slippery surface.
Can’t you just feel her pain?

But giving up isn’t an option on Thanksgiving, so she dives back in.
She tries every angle, every type of grip, and finally realizes she has to take it head-on.
She wraps her arms around the turkey, holding it in a big bear hug, deciding that sometimes you’ve got to go all in.

After several attempts and with a determined look on her face, she finally manages to yank the bird out of the sink.
But as many of us know, getting the turkey out isn’t always the end of the ordeal.
Just when it seems like she’s succeeded, the turkey slips from her grasp and lands squarely on the kitchen floor.
Her reaction? Well, let’s just say it’s something many cooks can relate to, even if they don’t say it out loud!

Her turkey mishap isn’t unique.
A Thanksgiving dinner falling on the floor is a pretty common occurrence, and it’s not just in commercials.
Debbie K., for example, shared her own story with Redbook:
“I dropped the turkey after rubbing olive oil all over it. I rinsed it off, rubbed the oil on again, and cooked it. Didn’t tell anybody for 10 years… I just told them last year. Oh well, it didn’t kill anybody or make them sick!”

For some, the mishaps go beyond dropping the turkey.
One man, Tom from New York, shared with Bon Appetit his mom’s hilarious rookie mistake.
It was her first time cooking a Thanksgiving dinner, and the recipe instructed her to “wash and dry” the turkey.
She took it a bit too literally and scrubbed it down with SOS pads and dish soap, which didn’t exactly rinse off well.

Meanwhile, back in the Jennie-O commercial, our fearless cook isn’t one to quit.
After retrieving her turkey from the floor, she gives it one last, triumphant toss back into the sink.
However, her extra bit of muscle has an unexpected outcome that leaves viewers laughing out loud!

The clip is a perfect reminder that holiday cooking rarely goes as planned.
It’s a fun way to remember that when it comes to Thanksgiving dinner, we’re all in this together—mishaps and all!
Check out what happens in the hilarious video below!
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