Thanksgiving is a wild mix of family drama, cooking chaos, and unexpected moments. From awkward questions to kitchen disasters, it’s a holiday full of unpredictability. Despite the tension and mishaps, it brings families together, making it all worth it for the food and love shared.
So who wants the breast?

To lighten the mood this Thanksgiving, try cutting a lemon in half and placing it under the turkey skin. The citrus aroma will add a fresh twist to your turkey and bring a bit of fun to your cooking routine. Plus, it might just bring a smile to the table!
Thanksgiving shift
Unfortunately for this guy, his favorite donut shop is closed. Spare him a turkey leg, would you?

jkorpela via reddit
Love reunions
Then you play “whodunnit?” trying to piece cluses together of who’s who and what they’ve done.

lindsay_fuce via x
A bit of everything
Someone’s brother had to work on Thanksgiving so he asked for a bit of everything, and they obliged.

seely2593 via reddit
Teenagers don’t care
Mom’s angry, grandma’s shocked, kids are confused, and dad is laughing his heart out. This kid’s not preparing anything next year.

seely2593 via reddit
Turkey’s done
Nice of them to cook all the sides along with it. Including the dessert and drinks.

antalryder via reddit
Inflation be like
Hey the important thing is the family’s together, including rich old uncle Frank…

roro4484 via reddit
They got snowed in
Introducing the ultimate Thanksgiving twist: Meatloaf “Turkey,” complete with Little Smokie stuffing! It’s the comfort food classic, but with a festive spin, combining the hearty goodness of meatloaf with a surprise of smoky, savory bites.

parkie89 via reddit
If it works
Save some money when you marinade the turkey. There’s a lot of space in the fridge drawer.

theinward07 via reddit
Grandpa’s cooking was lit
It’s nice when grandpa decides to come and cook for the family. Rememebr to record the moment!

dredpirateluffy via reddit
At least she tried
Happy Thanksgiving from someone’s little sister’s first-ever turkey! She’s officially joined the ranks of holiday chefs, and while it might not be *perfect*, the love and effort are definitely there.

lovethe3beatles via reddit
Fight it, girl!
She spent Thanksgiving morning in the ER due to sharp pains in her abdomen. It was an ovarian cyst. In the spirit of giving, here’s a happily doped up photo of her on morphine.

nina716 via reddit
A happy one indeed
Right, time to play a game again. Whoever finds the culprit wins the remaining food on the counter.

detestify via reddit
Not a fail
Removing the skin from the turkey before carving it gives you a Thanksgiving burrito.

tetelestia via reddit
Thanksgiving Eve
The nightmare commences. And that’s before the kids arrive with their nosy parents.

macaroniandbooty via reddit
Works for us too
Jell-O Shot Casserole for when you’re too lazy for individual shot glasses. It’s the perfect Thanksgiving tradition.

lasermanmcgee via reddit
Laugh it up
That guy is having a great time. She’s so getting roasted after this incident. Get it?

supermeghakid via reddit
Very appetizing
Now it’s up to anyone’s guess as to what this dish is made from. Or if it even tickles the buds.

the_coagulates via reddit
Proud man
All it needs is that special sauce and it should ne fine. Oh and lots of beers.

xsgax via reddit
Everyone’s favorite
This was great grandma’s recipe, back when she had to fight off all the monsters on her way to school.

abvecat via reddit
Taxes not included
Or you can celebrate but forget about that Christmas trip you were so looking forward to.

ccmac86 via reddit
That aunty from Vegas
When they say you can dress the turkey, this is not what we had in mind. But hey as long as it tastes good!

msknowbody via reddit
That’s a fail
Someone better order a pizza and some chicken quick. Go grab that six pack too.

to_helz via instagram
Adds real flavor
The turkeys might have been burned, but the laughter and company was what mattered. Happy Thanksgiving!

nyers_guide via instagram
That one guy
We have so many questions for the people behind this. First is, how is this Thanksgiving friendly for the kids?

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Back to school
Everyone complains about their family after Thanksgiving, but honestly, the guys really are monsters.

my_cats_reddit via reddit
The poor thing
Stayed up until 4 AM baking her first apple pie from scratch for Thanksgiving, then stayed up until 4:30 AM having a breakdown after she dropped it.

lilcatbeans via reddit
Still turkey
The wife was asked and tasked to get the turkey for the festivities, and she did. In a sense.

perforatededge via reddit
Dropped the turkey
There’s a 5 second rule, and it’s not like dad doesn’t keep a bottle of whiskey somewhere to kill those germs.

minicheatle via reddit
There has to be cake
Doesn’t even have to be a fancy one that looks good on your socials. As long as there’s cake!

fruset via reddit
Thanksgiving Monstrosity
See, even the gods would turn away from this one. No wonder we get earthquakes and typhoons near Thanksgiving.

sean1978 via reddit
Poor boy
The dog pulled the turkey off the counter and shattered the glass dish it was in, so guess that’s another round of pizzas.

makesandwichesnotwar via reddit
Healthcare scare
He spent 4 hours in the emergency room on Thanksgiving Day, and then got the post-insurance bill.

Of all days
Imagine cooking and getting all excited only to hear that heartbreaking shattering sound from the kitchen.

tree_hair via reddit
Happy Thanksgiving
Okay now someone call a priest because this thing needs an exorcism quick.

snickersbounty via reddit
Apartment burned down on Thanksgiving
They can be thankful for the place cooking the turkey for them. Now for a picnic setup!

mettalica913 via reddit
That darn cat
Well for the people in the house, the celebration was ruined. But for the cat, he’s definitely happy!

deftoner42 via reddit
First attempt
Mom entrusted the turkey to her and it really was her first time but still, that’s such a sad sight.

speedbarf via reddit
So sweet of them
The “family-oriented” company provided Thanksgiving dinner since they couldn’t be bothered to let employees go home.

jackalopacabra via reddit
Something smells good… grief!
Just so you know, these biscuits were baked for 2 1/2 hours. Simple instructions: pop them in the oven, leave for 2 1/2 hours, and come back to a smoky house.

the_jorganaught via instagram
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