‘Twas the night before Christmas, and two parents were busy wrapping gifts and sneaking them under the tree without waking the kids. Being a parent at Christmas means creating the magic yourself, which isn’t always easy. Here are some hilarious posts from parents on X about their Christmas shopping struggles.
That family love

How sweet of him to think of his nephew during the holidays. And building something does teach a kid a few things about life.
Here’s a hack
You know she’s had a few nightmares, hence this amazing hack from this mom for the holidays.

selynnarose via x
We never do
But then again what was the point of working for the entire year if you’re just going to hoard it.

shelbygraces via x
That’s mental exhaustion
And this is why working hard the entire year before the holidays can be stressful. We stand corrected.

thejuliemaida via x
Filters are fantastic
The unsung heroes of online shopping are the people behind those websites that give you options to filter prices.

monmon17170 via x
It’s all fun and games
Just wait until they graduate and start working, then you can make extravagant requests from your angry young adults you raised.

sarcasticmommy4 via x
There’s an idea
You’d think store managers or employees would have thought of this by now, but no. For some odd reason.

21stcenturysahm via x
Listen to Santa
Besides, Santa’s got vouchers and he’s the one holding all the cash. Better play nice to stay on the list.

TheCatWhisprer via x
But that’s so cute
Being a parent is by choice, most of the time. Not unless you were reckless and irresponsible, in which case, your fault.

FatherWithTwins via x
Pretend to read it
Then just tell them that Santa changed his mind and decided to leave other gifts for them.

sarcasticmommy4 via x
Keeps them busy
Kids and gadgets are either the best combo you can have, or the worst. Like you’re constantly tiptoeing around them.

MallieRydzik via x
Thanks Santa
See, that jolly old man from the north can be every parents’ best friend come the holidays.

MidgardMomma via x
In rock
Have the kids rip those boxes apart while playing that song. Should make for a great video.

mommajessiec via x
Oh the pain
This is so true, so don’t bother with expensive toys. Let them sort through the garage and the trash.

PinkCamoTO via x
Nerfs for nerds
It’s nice to hear them shooting and playing before the inevitable fighting and crying thanks to those darts.

DomesticGoddss via x
We feel you
But trust us, the cashier feels exactly the same. Up until they receive that Christmas bonus from the boss.

KalvinMacleod via x
Heed the warning
There’s a reason those warnings are slapped on. Up to you how you interpret those, but make it work for you.

lmegordon via x
Before you step on those pieces
Think of it as an investment for your future architect or engineer. Let’s hope that’s where he’s headed.

Cheeseboy22 via x
Loser of the day
All he got was debt and a massive headache. And that’s why men do manly stuff.

simoncholland via x
All of them
Kids, super excited to rip tehm open, squeal in delight, play with them for hours, then just abandon them afterwards.

Lhlodder via x
That dreaded feeling
Well if they don’t, send them out on their own little adventure we call life.

HenpeckedHal via x
Santa doesn’t use messaging apps
The good news is, maybe Santa can see your online orders when you check those jump ropes out.

toniistalking via x
That’s an investment
A playroom full of distractions can help if that’s not yet an option.

TheEmmeReynolds via x
Last minute minute details
Well let the kids know the importance of time and planning ahead. A calendar would be a neat gift.

LetMeStart via x
Oh there’s the elf thief
No wonder Santa wasn’t showing up in that section of the neighborhood. Sleigh theft is a thing, apparently.

TheNardvark via x
Too early for this
Perhaps… Who knows… Maybe… Probably… Look, us adults want to start drinking so come get your gifts.

Well like us adults
Those can be donated, or turned into cooler toys if you get very creative.

UnfilteredMama via x
That’s a waste
We’re talking a full tank of gas and a night out with the boys at the local bar.

DadandBuried via x
They don’t get paid enough
When you’re headed to the cafe for a cup of coffee before going home but then….

PetrickSara via x
Good call
That’s $4 saved for about two bottles of beer or something. For when the kids are finally asleep.

simoncholland via x
Grab that bottle of brandy
For when you get home and you remove those clothing items, pour yourself a nice glass.

PerfectPending via x
Boys be like
Yeah dads feel the same way seeing all those cool toys. That card looks like it’s itching to buy more.

zenai___ via x
Pure exhaustion
It’s never too early to check those nice vacation packages that go really well with paid leaves.

She’s got it all figured out
This lady is a battle hardened veteran. One we should all listen to around that nice fire.

That’s self-loving
There’s just so much joy in doing so, so long as you don’t bury yourself in debt.

kay_dash_ via x
No one cares anyway
Or grab a cup of coffee and pour some whiskey into it. Maybe gin and juice or a margarita.

chrisfrye via x
Road rage
What makes it worse is that people actually walk the way they drive. And vice versa at that.

Love_bug1016 via x
But why would you?
LEt them play outside in the snow until they’re too tired to care. Works like a charm.

shelbs_1114 via x
Spelling test is in order
Yeah she really has to intercept and correct that list before that house burns down.

holly via x
Brought all three, that’s on you
Some people enjoy putting themselves through so much torture for some morbid reason.

SarahLynn_P via x
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