According to MayoClinic, blood is supposed to clot as it stops external bleeding. However, sometimes blood clots when it’s not supposed to, such as when it’s still inside your veins. When this happens, blood clotting can be life threatening. Internal clotting can cause heart attack, stroke, and other dangerous medical conditions. Fortunately, there are ways to tell if you are suffering from a blood clot.
Here are 8 signs of blood clotting to look out for:
1. Swelling in One Limb.
One kind of serious blood clot is called deep vein thrombosis (DVT). When DVT occurs, oxygen is unable to reach your vital organs, causing poor blood circulation which, in turn, causes swelling. If one or more limbs is swollen for unexplainable reasons, it might be a DVT.

2. Leg Pain or Tenderness.
Leg pain and tenderness is another common sign of DVT. In addition to limb swelling, DTV causes the legs to ache, cramp up, or be sore to the touch.
3. Red Streaks Along Your Veins.
If you notice red streaks on your skin that run the length of your veins, seek medical attention immediately. Blood clots cause bruising which should a concern in and of-it-self, but streaking is a sign of a more severe, life-threating concern. These streaks will also make your skin feel warm to the touch, another sign to look out for.

4. Chest Pain and Heavy Breathing.
Chest pain should never be ignored, nor should heavy breathing. If you experience both symptoms together, however, experts say that you may be experiencing a blood clot in the lungs. A clot in the lungs can quickly turn fatal, so should these symptoms arise, drop what you’re doing and seek medical attention immediately.

5. Shortness of Breath.
Again, shortness of breath is never a symptom to ignore. If you find that you’re having trouble breathing, experience a fluttering sensation in the chest, have a racing heart, or experience any dizziness, you may have a clot in the lungs. Each of these symptoms – especially when experienced together – warrant immediate medical attention.
6. A Random Cough Without a Cold.
If you aren’t sick but are coughing for no reason, pay attention for other possible signs of a blood clot. These include rapid heart rate, chest pain, and shortness of breath. If you do notice any of these symptoms, call your doctor immediately.
7. Vomiting or Diarrhea.
Severe vomiting and/or diarrhea is not normal under any circumstances, but if it’s ongoing, seek medical attention immediately. These symptoms could indicate a blod clot in the abdomen.
8. Severe, Chronic Headaches.
If you experience severe headaches on a chronic basis, as well as difficulty seeing or speaking, it may indicate a blood clot in your brain.

Blood clots are very scary, but if caught in time, the prognosis can be good. Your body is always speaking to you, and for your sake, it is important that you’re always listening. If a headache seems unusual, leg cramps appear out of nowhere, or you can’t ever seem to catch your breath, don’t write it off as something that will pass; instead, schedule a doctor’s appointment right away. Doing so can mean the difference between life and death.
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