Zipper troubles. We’ve all been there.
Imagine being in the middle of a rainy walk then your zipper slider slips through the rail teeth.
You’ll find yourself wrapping your jacket around you because the thing won’t close.

Or maybe you’re in a hurry and you zip your gym bag way faster than intended, so now you’re left with a bag that won’t seal.
Zippers are one of the most convenient inventions and pretty much the opposite when it doesn’t work.
Whether you love it or you hate it, there’s one thing we can agree on.
Thank God for the internet.
Now we can look for ways to fix problems like these.

This simple guide to fixing your detached slider will make you slap your cheek for how easy it is.
The video doesn’t even take 20 seconds and yet it can change your life from here on.
So first things first, get a fork.
No, we won’t be doing a quick snack and go. We’re not going to stab your zipper.
First, using the middle two prongs of your dinner fork, mount your zipper slider with the front facing outwards.

Please remember that not all sliders will fit an average dinner fork but the concept is the same. You just have to find a way to mount your smaller or bigger sliders.
Next, slide your zipper heads through.
Feed them into the slider’s mouth carefully so they go in at the same time. Then, pull them out on the other side of the slider so the teeth can clip together.

Clip the rail maybe an inch or so before pulling the slider up the rest of the way. This will ensure that your zipper teeth are properly aligned.
Isn’t that the easiest fix you’ve seen?
Now, we know that you’re aware that this isn’t a fix-it-all solution. Zippers can have different problems.
If zipper teeth still don’t clip together, try squeezing the sides of your slider with a pair of pliers.

Gently squeeze the slider so that it can return to its tighter form. Check if the mouth of the slider is getting smaller.
That’s how you’ll know it’s working.

Make sure not to squeeze too hard as you can break the slider altogether.
What if the slider comes off?
If one side of the zipper comes off the slider, you don’t need to change it entirely. Simply zip your slider down to the end until it detaches.

Once it’s free, you can repeat the steps above to get your slider back on track.
Let’s just hope you’re fixing your zipper at home, at a restaurant, or at a camping site where you have a dinner fork handy.
But what if the zip isn’t moving?
One, it might be that something is clogging the slider like small debris or, more commonly, some fabric. Pull the obstructions out then try zipping it again.

Another surprising solution is a pencil. Yes, a graphite pencil. You can rub the graphite over the zipper teeth to increase lubrication. Graphite is a dry lubricant.
In any case, you can also use Vaseline.
Watch this easy way of fixing a zipper in the quick video below!
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