If you’re specifically in the market for foods that can help reduce the markers that contribute to cardiovascular illnesses such as high blood pressure, plaque buildup, and inflammation, then you are in the right place!
A healthy heart is perhaps one of the most important things to have, aside from your brain, as it in so many ways affects your overall health!

Foods to avoid and stay away from completely!
Fast-food and processed foods!
It kinda sounds like a no brainer, but fast food and processed foods are often full of Trans and saturated fats which can increase your risk of heart disease by raising your cholesterol and blood pressure, according to the American Heart Association. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, however, do have the ability to lower cholesterol and promote a healthy blood pressure!
The specific foods to avoid!
Frozen biscuits, especially ones with the word “flaky”, are an example of a sneaky product that has a whopping 3.5 grams of trans fat. Many cakes, pies, and cookies that have frosting on them as well contain large amounts of trans fat along with that common stick of margarine that is in so many fridges these days.
Anything made with hydrogenated oils, which sadly includes many brands of whipped cream and peanut butter as well are a no go. It is important to remain vigilant with many products which are designed to save time, like many breakfast sandwiches for example, because your cardiovascular health is quite low on many companies priority lists unfortunately.

Foods that will benefit you!
The Inside-scoop!
Julie Zampano, RD, LD, and dietitian at the Preventative Cardiology and Nutrition Program at the Cleveland Clinic was asked the very question at the heart of this article, “What should someone who wants to reduce their risk of cardiovascular issues eat exactly?” To which her answer was to eat foods that are in their natural form.
Heart-healthy foods consist of fish, whole grains, vegetables, and fruits! However, you may spring for “a glass of red-wine or dark chocolate that’s 70% or higher occasionally” according to Zampano.
A brief list of foods to eat!
- “Fatty Fish” filled with omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, mackerel, tuna, or herring
- Flaxseed in ground or milled form to take full advantage of its omega-3’s, fiber, and phytoestrogens that promote heart health!
- Oatmeal (steel cut oats), which has a special type of fiber called beta-glucan which is good for your heart!
- Red, yellow, and orange veggies which have carotenoids and other nutrients great for your heart! Add some tofu to make a stir-fry using a monosaturated oil like olive oil or almond oil!

The bottom line is that once you have started eating “cleaner”, by eating foods in their natural form, the next level of eating for your cardiovascular health besides hitting some really great heart healthy foods like walnuts , for example, is to eat less and less of naturally occurring saturated fat which is commonly found in meat and dairy products and to eat a more varied diet high in fruits and veggies!
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[Source: American Heart Association]