Whenever I have found occasion to imagine removing a skin tag I have imagined that it might be an awfully painful and bloody experience. Luckily, one natural remedy may help you to remove your skin tags in a gentle, natural way and promises that all traumatic visions of skin tag removal gone wrong will simultaneously be lifted from my mind!
In fact, you just might have the cure within the cupboard located in your kitchen, and the super ingredient is, without further ado, the all amazing apple cider vinegar!!

Skin tags are not as serious as those who might never have had them might think.
Scientists have never really pinned down exactly why skin tags occur but they speculate that perhaps it is genetic and that perhaps it has to do with your skin rubbing together as it occurs often around folds and more frequently in those who are overweight to obese.
Essentially, a skin tag is just a bit of fatty cells and skin cells that grow and then become pinched at the base so that blood is able to run through them, they are considered a sort of tumor but they are absolutely harmless and are benign.
Therefore, skin tags present nothing more than a cosmetic concern unless they bother you via rubbing on your clothes.

Apple cider vinegar is fantastic and it’s no surprise it could be the natural remedy for you!
Apple cider vinegar is a great detoxifier as the acid contained with it actually binds to the toxins and can be washed away or internally be flushed away.
Additionally, apple cider vinegar promotes circulation, and has been used externally to treat sun burns, bug bites, and itchy skin due to its restorative properties to the skin.
In particular it is its anti-inflammatory properties which skin greatly benefits from, and skin tags, since they are the result of skin irritation, it only makes sense that one must sooth the skin and reduce the friction of the skin in order to remove them, looking at it simply that is.

Process for removing skin tags with Apple Cider Vinegar:
- Apply with a cotton ball the apple cider vinegar 2-3 times a day, every day, for up to two weeks or until skin tag has turned a dark brown or black and falls off!
Note: As with any method if it feels odd to your body and causes irritation, simply stop and use your apple cider vinegar for its number of other uses in the home or kitchen!
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