Most husbands would call the guys over for beer, plan a fishing rip, or even hit up a local spot once the wife leaves for the weekend.
And to be honest, that’s totally understandable. Every husband needs some time with the boys so long as he doesn’t end up doing anything he shouldn’t be.

Except this husband and father of three.
His wife did go out of town for the weekend, but instead of hitting up the guys for some manly time together, he decided to rip out that old carpet and even paint the walls for a complete bedroom makeover.

And that’s not all. This loving husband went ahead and installed new hardwood floors, including a DIY upholstered headboard.
All this took place while he took care of the three kids, so massive handshake to this awesome dad.
You’ll see him hard at work in the video, going over the entire place from top to bottom, ladders and tools ready around him.
He’s got some skills and he is putting them to good use!

The kids are loving it too so hopefully they take after dad as well.
This is the new, “When the wife is away, the husband will play.”
Miles Boyer is setting a good example for men, and especially fathers, out there. His wife Kate is out of town but here he is taking care of the house instead of relaxing and watching TV.
She’s one lucky lady!

Miles first removed everything he could from the bedroom. He then removed that old, wrinkly carpet so he could scrub the floor clean.
Their son Lawson really loved the acoustics of the empty room. That’s the one time a kid was allowed to shout and experiment with his vocals.
It was an exhausting day but he’s not done. Daddy duties come next so he put the kids to bed before repainting the walls of the bedroom into that lovely, warm ecru color.

Early the next day, Miles placed laminate flooring using his own two hands. The kids adored their new dance studio alright!
Miles also installed new wall sockets, then he added new curtains to go with the new wall color. He put everything back in its rightful place too.
That bedroom now looks really good!

And soon, Kate was coming home.
She probably sensed something was up, like all moms who can sense when something is not right in the house.

So she entered her house and went into the bedroom just to find a refreshed sleeping area. That dusty old carpet on the floor was gone.
Everything looked and smelled so fresh and new!

A happy wife is a happy life they say. Well, judging by Kate’s smile, she is one happy lady. Dinner must have been wonderful that night!
The finished bedroom is a testament to Miles’ skills. And it was a DIY project so he saved a ton of money too!
Check out this bedroom makeover project in the video below!
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